Explore a wonderful place

PEVA, where the adventure begins!

Don’t wait any longer to join the adventure, leave stress and worries aside, come and enjoy a natural world where you will be filled with peace and harmony accompanied by the flora and fauna that inhabit the place.

Popular tours

The adventure begins, but you choose!

Arenal Eco Expedition


Entrada al Parque Ecologico Volcán Arenal (extranjeros)


Entrada PEVA + Hot Springs


Tour de cuadraciclo al Volcan Arenal(2 personas) + Termales


Entrada al Parque Ecológico (nacionales)


Noche de camping en Parque Ecologico (por persona)


Cabalgata al Volcán Arenal


Tour de tubing en aguas bravas en Go Adventure Park


Different ways to join in the fun

Do activities such as: camping, kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking, sport fishing and much more, here, in the Arenal Volcano Ecological Park (PEVA).


Don’t just look at our photos, come and experience it yourself. Be the protagonist of your story!

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